Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Was A Boy

No,this is not my brother.HAHA!Hello to the kiddo me!:D When I was a kid,I'd really play with my boy cousins and I felt like I was one of them!I played computer games(wrestling,Counter Strike,etc.),pellet guns(OUCH!),LIVE wrestling(HAHA!Another OUCH!),and many more.I know,you can't imagine me now doing those things.HAHA!But hey!It's fun!I really enjoyed it!It was our bonding time!:) Another thing,I felt like I was my dad's son!Well,I wanted to(not literally ha!)!HAHA!Because I'd rather watch action/sci-fi/criminal movies and shows with him, instead of watching chhheeesssyy love stories with my sisters.HAHA!:))
But the time came wherein I found out that I'm not a boy,I really thought I was.HAHAHA!Kidding!=)))Okay,seriously..I'd still play games with them except the live wrestling and pellet guns!HAHAHA!I still love watching those shows with my dad.I can't remember what I was thinking during those years,why I'd play with my cousins and stuff.Maybe because I wanted to fit in,because we are in the same generation in our family.As if they'd play Barbie with me!HAHAHA!=))) But the thing is,I was one of the boys,just wanted to have fun and enjoy life and I wasn't aware that there's something more beyond my life that time.I wasn't aware that I AM GOD'S PRINCESS WITH A GREAT DESTINY.The time came wherein I FOUND MY PURPOSE IN LIFE!I FOUND MY PURPOSE IN JESUS CHRIST.
I was a boy,now,I'm a woman of God.Hehe!:))
Now,here I am,a woman of God who has found her purpose in life. A purpose that is worth living for. In this world,I am nothing,I am a nobody.But in His world and kingdom,I am an heir,I am special and loved by the KING.Every heartbeat is His purpose for me.God pursued me through the years,and here I am now,living the life where He has called me,and this is what I want to do my whole life.I pray that I will always have the heart to hear and obey His call,always and forever.

Just like Rebekah in the Bible I'd always want to say "I will go."-(Genesis 24:58) when God calls me to.I want to always be READY,WILLING AND ABLE to do His purpose in my life!:)


  1. princessuehuehueh!!

  2. kung may ladypapa you are ladyboy! HUEHUEHUE! :))
