Monday, March 5, 2012

Don't Pursue Beauty,Pursue GOD.

I was this girl who's been wanting to be a princess. Honestly,when I was in elementary and high school I was so self-centered that I thought that I'm so beautiful and I'm one of the girls who's on top of everything.Haha!Then,the time came when the King called me and told me,"You are My princess!".After that time,little by little I got to learn--and until now I am still learning that being beautiful is really beyond what we can see.The beauty that I thought that I have before was nothing.Being beautiful is really also being beautiful inside!

After this experience,once again!I realized that I AM NOTHING WITHOUT GOD.This face that I have,I don't really deserve to have this!But because of GOD'S GRACE He still gave it to me and I really want to use this precious gift to glorify Him in whatever ways He wants me to. When I had that revelation during praise and worship all I could do was bow my head down and praise Him!I'm not saying that "Oh,you should follow me because I am a beautiful woman inside and out." I don't want that,because even me,I still have so much things to learn and apart from God I am really nothing.I am so far from close from His greatness!All I want to say is that FOCUS ON GOD AND FOLLOW HIM AND EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FOLLOW.KNOWING HIM,HAVING A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM AND BEING CLOSE TO HIS HEART WILL GIVE YOU THE LIGHT THAT WILL MAKE YOU SHINE BRIGHTER THAN OTHERS.DON'T PURSUE BEAUTY,PURSUE GOD!

"No matter who you are or what kind of baggage you carry with you,no matter what you do or don't do,God loves you just as you are right now. You don't have to get your act together,lose ten pounds,run a marathon,write a best-selling book,or raise perfect children. You are an extraordinary woman in His sight right now. Not only does He love you,He cherishes you.He wants to have a close,loving relationship with you like no one on earth can. All you have to do is make yourself open and available to spend time with Him and feel His loving arms encircle you."-(A Woman and Her God)

May we have this prayer in our hearts:
"Lord,You know me.You know my natural personality is given to fear.You know all my insecurities.You know that I have a need to be loved and to feel significant and to feel affirmed.And Father,I'm not going to ask my family and friends to do that for me today.They may or may not,and if they do,that's wonderful.But Father,You are my sole satisfaction,and I ask You to satisfy me this morning with Your unfailing love.Lord,You're all I want.You are what I long for.You are the great reward.I want the fullness of You in my life.Not just what You can give me.I want You.I want You."
-Let God fill your cup, because He will not just fill it,He will overflow it! Ask Him to rid you of the lesser gods in your life.Make God not just the most important thing in your life,but make Him your LIFE!

Men and Women,you are God's wonderful prince and princesses.YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO HIM MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW.
Our message from God each and every day is,"Child,you are TREMENDOUSLY SIGNIFICANT to Me.You are EVERYTHING to Me." Christ says,"I laid down My life.Your love to Me,child,is better than My life."He wants to satisfy your soul with His unfailing love and say,"Child,you are EVERYTHING to Me.Be full of My love today and full of My Spirit today.YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT."-(A Woman and Her God)

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.-(Proverbs 31:30)

He knows your name;you belong to Him.-(Isaiah 43:1)

"Whom have I in heaven but YOU? And earth has nothing I desire besides YOU."-(Psalm 73:25)

"I lay down my desires just to worship in spirit and truth. More than all of my dreams,more than fame I WILL SEEK YOU,LORD! Jesus,NOTHING compares to this GRACE!"-(Unending Love by Hillsong)



  1. Beauty is beyond skin deep :))

  2. Only beauty that matters is the beauty that pleases God -- one that He approves, sanctions, and desires. Godliness is our ultimate beauty.

    "I'll trade these ashes in for beauty, and wear forgiveness like a crown." -- At the Foot of the Cross, Kathryn Scott
