Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Beginning In An Ending

I was this girl who wanted to have her own fairy tale, I just wanted to be a princess.Not just because of the castle and all the perks of it, but it's also because of the prince charming who'd save me from this lonely planet.

When the time came that God gave me my prince--or I thought he was,everything just changed!I was madly and deeply in love for that 10 months of being with that prince. I thought he was the one, the right one, the prince that God has given me, but NO!He's never been the right one. God always has a purpose in every season of our lives. God is also a jealous God-in a good way of course!He gave me that prince that I've been dreaming of,but God got it from me again, because it wasn't a right relationship, not the right time and not the right prince.Our story wasn't a "and they lived happily ever after" ending.It was like,I was trapped in the dark woods, trying to find my way back in my castle, but I couldn't.All I wanted was that prince to come back and get me out of that place and save me again. But it didn't happen.After almost 2 months of being trapped in the dark woods, waiting, crying,not eating properly and being just lost. GOD just took my hands and pulled me up and said "My princess,it's time.Get up.I am here.Come." Out of nowhere,He suddenly showed me the light, and that light made me see the path-the right path. That light made me shine again.

When God called me,I told myself and Him that I want to really start from nothing. I want everything to be new.So,I started living my new life by going to U-Night--it's the youth service of Victory Christian Fellowship in Malate.That was November 5,2010, and I only knew 2 people who go there during that time.Although we all came from the same high school and we attended same summer camps,they were from higher batches so,we weren't really friends, just acquaintances. That Friday,I texted one of them if he was still there and he said yes.I got there late,so he told me to sit at the back first. God is just the best Author of life!He knows what you need!The speaker(Pastor Daniel-whom at that time,I don't know who he was) asked everyone to form circles and it's like an activity of getting to know each other. Everyone was already standing up and forming circles, then my friend grabbed me and told me that he'll introduce me to his La Salle friends, and I should not worry because they are all nice. Indeed!He's right.I've met so many people that night,I didn't get to memorize their names, because they were a lot of them!But there's one woman that I will never forget she's my discipler now and God really used her to heal me, and until now He is still using her to me mold my relationship with Him, to help me focus on Him!:) That night I told God,"GOD,THANK YOU SO MUCH!I AM BACK.THIS IS MY NEW HOME.I AM HOME."

After that night, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second of my life just keep on getting better and better.I've met so many wonderful people, and until now I still meet new wonderful people in the Cluster(small groups for CSB and DLSU students) and outside and inside the church. They've been helping me grow into who I am now, they've been helping me see what God wants me to do, they've been helping me to know my purpose. They've welcomed me wholeheartedly and they've never judged me. They care for me and they love me like a true family. They are all helping me build my relationship with God. They are my new family in Christ and this is where I want to be. I am still here because of these people.With their help,I am glad that I am serving God now.HONOR GOD AND MAKE DISCIPLES.
It's also because of God's grace and mercy that He's using them to show me that THERE'S SOMETHING MORE BEYOND THIS WORLD and it's also because of His love that made me accept my calling.He's just amazing at how He used people around us to mold us into a better person and a better follower of Christ. He always use people around us to show us His light in this dark world, He always makes me feel in awe.

Now..God told me that I AM A TRUE PRINCESS, and not just an ordinary and temporary princess. I AM HIS PRINCESS, ALWAYS AND FOREVER,and I deserve His right prince for me in His right time. But for now,I don't need my prince,all I need is God.HE COMPLETES ME,and I will wait patiently for His right time.I'm already saved from that dark forest, not only by a prince charming, but by a King who rules the world, who is the Highest and Mightiest of all!:)

-God is the Author of relationship.
-Relationship will not complete you.ONLY GOD WILL.
-Before you enter into a relationship, you should have a completer relationship with God.
-Not just fight in the relationship, but fight for the relationship.
-Relationship goes with the right season.
-Relationship does not define you. Don't let it be your identity.
-Marriage is the 2nd best relationship you'll have,after your relationship with God.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
(Proverbs 31:30)

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