Last Friday(June 1,2012),we had our La Salle Cluster Kick-Off Party to welcome the frosh and it's also a kick-off for our 1LifeToLive series!:) Follow La Salle Cluster on Twitter if you want to know who we are and what we do!:) GO GO GO!:>
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Kudos to Kara De Leos for these two amazing invites!!:) I'm a proud BFIC!:") |
I've seen how God has been really moving in the heart of this generation. We've grown so much since the first night that I attended Cluster last November 2010.Leaders have been rising up and students finding a new family that they've never imagined they could have.GRABE LANG TALAGA SI GOD!!!And here we are!Welcoming another year and that means..We're welcoming new people in our family!:) Every Cluster party has its own place in my heart,because God will really use it to mold something in me.It was almost a year ago when we had our Cluster Party at The Grand Towers Manila. And last Friday,we're back again!:) It was really a memorable one,because God has trusted me to oversee the team.It was my first time to do that,my comfort zone was the games and design team.That's why it was such a privilege for me to do that.The moment when they asked me if I could lead this event,I asked God if kaya ko ba,and He just said "YES." Then it hit me,"HELLLOO???The preparation will be less than 2 weeks lang!",but God never failed to amaze me during those remaining days.The indescribable peace and comfort that He has placed in my heart was HUWAW!!!!From the start until the end,God has really used the event to talk to me and mold me.He just kept on leading me to 1 Chronicles 28 where Solomon was preparing to build God's temple.When I've read what David told his son "Be strong and do the work." It's as if God was the One who's telling me that!He is with me and He will not leave me.AND!The best part is that He will bless me with people who are skilled and gifted to do the work and help me build His temple.AMAZING!!!:" And HE REALLY DID EVERYTHING THAT HE SAID!HE DID ALL HIS PROMISES!He knows more than we do,and He has prepared everything ahead of us!All we had to do was to lift everything up to Him,work WITH Him and not FOR Him, and trust Him and have faith in Him and He will do all the amazing and unimaginable things. :)
""20 David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished. 21 The divisions of the priests and Levites are ready for all the work on the temple of God, and every willing person skilled in any craft will help you in all the work."-(1 Chronicles 28:20-21)"
“O Lord God, You know”-(Ezekiel 37:3)
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.”-(1 Corinthians 2:9)
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